BigVid News

AVA360VR software is released

We have published our AVA360VR software for immersive qualitative analytics...

Last modified: 22.05.2021

The BigSoftVideo team at AAU has published the AVA360VR software package on GitHub. It is free to download and use. If you do, then please give credit using this reference.

AVA360VR (Annotate, Visualise, Analyse 360 video in Virtual Reality) is our flagship VR software package to support immersive qualitative analysis of complex audio-visual data that have been collected with multiple 2D and 360 cameras as well as external stereo and ambisonic microphones. It is designed specifically for working with and inhabiting 360 video. It includes many innovative features, such as 360 video switching, video recamming, live 3D audio mixing, annotating with drawings and animation, as well as a keyframe image sequence generator, a live transcript viewer, a comic panel sequence creator, volumetric capture and replay of actual usage, 3D tutorials and a full project/analysis management interface.

The team has created a help guide and over 40 help tutorials that can be downloaded and loaded into the software tool in VR. Many of the help tutorials are made using volumetric capture in VR, so users can get to know the software in 3D while using it. We have also provided a complete demonstration package with 1GB of audio-visual data.

A welcome and minitour of some of the features can be found on YouTube: